Monday, March 29, 2010

Mesra Mall Nature Run 2010, Kerteh

Event: Mesra Mall Nature Run 2010
Location: Kerteh, Terengganu
Date: 24 March 2010 (Saturday)
Distance: 6km
Fee: RM30.00

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Shoe Care Tips

(me ride after a bath..)
(sure does look better after its first wash in two years!!)

your ride aka shoe can sure be a big investment.. mine cost me a bom!! well, i wasn't sure was i going to regret it.. after all this training, i am sure it was a sure good investment.. here, i would like to share some of the shoe care tips to prolong your shoe life..

1. Use it ONLY for running.. its not a shoe to go shopping with!!
2. Storage temperature must be neither too hot nor cold.. its not to be kept all the time in your car boot!!
3. Un-tighten the shoe lace when removing your shoe..
4. Put to dry after each sweaty run..
5. Hand wash and never use washing machine.. dun be so lazy ok..

Wrist ID; Wear Them! #2

(my order status via roadID web)

i have place order for a roadID via its web.. cost me USD32.48 (RM109.15 @ RM3.360 per USD).. i guess its quite expensive for two pieces of rubber holding a piece of small stainless steel plate.. hehe.. atleast, i can sure feel better training with one on.. now i need to see how long the delivery will take to reach this part of the world.. where am i?!! haha..

Monday, March 22, 2010

Wrist ID; Wear Them!

i have always train with an unsecure feeling.. those what if's does bother me.. that is why i have my phone with me on my runs.. now, i am considering to buy an ID wrist band.. on it i could put my important details in case of any mishapps.. these information could include name, NIRC, nationality, passport #, contact #, blood type, etc..

(this is how my wrist ID will look like.. shall it be red or pink? hmm)

i plan to purchase one myself sometime mid next month.. once i receive them, i will post pictures of it yaa..

links to some wrist ID are listed below:

RoadID here..
IceID here..

note: i was made aware of such wrist ID after reading a post from missJeweLs here.. credit to missJeweLs..

Friday, March 19, 2010

Know Your Foot Type

(top view of my lovely ride.. my precious..)
(bottom view..)
(her ride.. lovely response cushion 18)

my current ride is "adistar ride" which i purchased in 2008.. yup, two (2) years ago.. the shoe still feels great at the moment.. somehow, i have a feeling that my current ride won't last till PBIM 2010 in Nov'10.. therefore, i need to replace them in the near future..

i got to know that an adidas store located at gardens midvalley provides foot scan to its customers.. i do recommend to those who really want a good pair of shoe to know your foot type first.. do read on as i would like to share what i know about foot types.. (pronation means the rolling movement of the foot)

Normal/ Neutral Pronation:
An individual that tends to wear down their running shoes evenly..

An individual that tends to wear down their running shoes on the inner side..

An individual that tends to wear down their running shoes on the outer side..

more on pronation here..
more on foot type here.. and here..
more on adistar ride @ runnersworld, sportingnews, and beginnertriathlete

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Competitive Race; My First 4km Run

this is an overdue race report.. i hope this report would inspire others and myself..

Race Report
Date/ Time: 9 Feb' 10/ 0900hrs
Distant: 4km

i enrolled in this 4km run organised by my officemates in conjunction with some events within the organisation.. i hope this run would give some exposure to myself in my future PBIM 2010 run..

i had just started running a few weeks before the race without any specific training program/ routine..

the starting was very bad.. first, i did not do any warm up before the run (to confident laa.. padan muka..) to make things worst, i was in a conversation when others started their run.. (now, i know why paying attention to your surrounding is important.. hehe) so, i started way at the back.. i really mean way back.. i was the last person to cross the starting line.. (padan muka.. hehe)

(notice i was at the last one running.. far left of the picture)

the run was fun, as i started to overtake one person at a time.. drinks were also provided at the half way mark.. the second mistake here was i stopped for a sip.. lost my tempo afterwards.. having a sip or two was fine for longer distant runs and not in a short 4km run..

next, i slowed my run as i realised i was drifting further than those in front of me.. this was my third mistake.. i was not paying enough attention yet again.. since it was too late to do any correction, i could do only damage control.. which was to refocus in finishing the race and not let anyone overtake me.. my average pace was between 8 to 7 minutes/km.. (very slow for a short distant run.. hehe..)

finally, it was really fun to run even though i realised that i was not fit enough to run long distance yet!.. therefore, i need more training and better plan to ensure i finish PBIM 2010 half marathon event..

wish me luck yaa.. :-)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Long Slow Distance Training (LSD)

I have trained for two weeks without a proper program..
This was fine as my initial goal was just to complete the PBIM half marathon..
Somehow, i am unsure if i could finish the 21km event within 3.5hours..
Therefore, i searched for a suitable training program for myself..
And today, I found a training method which should fit into my daily schedule..
It's long slow distance (LSD) training.. you can read more on LSD here..

The rules:

  • No fewer than 3 runs per week
  • No more than 5 runs per week
  • No less than 1 hour per run
  • No farther than 15miles (24km) on any run
  • 1 run per week lasting more than two hours or more (after month 5)